Jun 30, 2022
It's all over but the crying, and David does a bit of it on this post-auction post-mortem. In what is either a Season 3 bonus episode or a teaser for Season 4, the guys break down that ultra-marathon, four-day Propstore auction and discuss their wins and losses, and they talk a *lot* about that screen-matched X-Wing. ...
Jun 9, 2022
In a first for the Stuff Dreams are Made Of, David and Ryan discuss their preparations for the June Prop Store auction. David consternates for a long time regarding the X-Wing, theoretical and practical economics, and the meaning of life itself. Ryan then talks about having to bid on a pricey Batman Returns speargun...
Jun 2, 2022
David and Ryan hydrate and take their vitamins before another marathon catalog session, covering days 2 through 18 of Prop Store's summer auction. They cover such topics as hand-illustrated storyboards, crew gifts, Beetlejuice maquettes, the delight of Cabin Boy, a starter Conan collection, bearer bonds, Home Alone...